Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling is full of danger, magic, and suspense. It is also one of my favorite books of all time!
Harry Potter is fourteen years old when he is chosen as an accidental fourth champion in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. He is faced with many hard tasks and competes with much older and more experienced wizards. He meets many fantastical creatures during his quest to beat the other champions.
When Harry Potter is chosen as the fourth champion, he is faced with almost impossible tasks. One task is that he has to fight a dragon. There are several other very dangerous things, but that is one of the worst. In another risky encounter, he fights Lord Voldemort. In the third task, a maze, Harry meets a giant spider which almost kills him. These are just a few examples of all the many perilous situations Harry encounters.
Magic is one the best parts of the Harry Potter series. It is also the one weapon that the champions get to use in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. The way that wizards and witches produce magic is with wands. For instance, in the first task, Harry summons his broom with his wand. He also stuns a Blast-ended-screwt, a magical creature, in the third task. Harry uses his wand to defend himself again and again. Without wands there would be no magic and without magic, there would be no story.
Suspense sometimes happens when you are waiting for something. One example in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is when everyone is waiting for the Hogwarts’ champion to be chosen. There is so much suspense in the Great Hall that everyone sits in total silence waiting for the announcement. Another suspenseful moment is when the reader is wondering which of the champions will get which dragon. Also, when the spectators to the Tri-Wizard Tournament wait and wonder why Harry and his fellow champion, Cedric, never came out of the maze, the reader experiences the suspense of the crowd. There are many other apprehensive parts in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but these were the ones that really jumped out at me.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is one of my favorite books. It has suspense, danger and magic. All of these details make the book more extraordinary than it already is.